Atari Mega Archive 1
Atari Mega Archive - Volume 1.iso
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127 lines
; Program Name: PRG_3BP.S
; Assembly Instructions:
; Assemble in PC-relative mode and save with a TOS extension.
; Program Function:
; Illustrates the use of GEMDOS function $4A to return to GEMDOS all
; memory except that required by this program.
; Execution Instructions:
; Double click on PRG_3BP.TOS from the desktop. After viewing the
; program's output, press the Return key to terminate execution.
; Because base page information is needed by this program, if it is to
; be executed in the AssemPro debugger, it must be loaded with the
; "Execute program" function.
; Whenever a program which processes base page information is to be
; executed in the AssemPro debugger, special attention must be paid to the
; process by which the program is loaded into the debugger.
; If the program is loaded into the debugger with the "Execute program"
; function, the entire program can be executed.
; If, however, the program is loaded into the debugger as a result of
; just having been assembled, the instructions which process basepage
; information cannot be executed because there is no basepage when a program
; is loaded by that process.
; For this particular program you would procede as follows: relocate the
; program by clicking on the Relocate button, then execute one, and only
; one, of the initialization instructions. That is instruction four of the
; program:
; lea stack, a7
; To accomplish this, move the PC cursor in the disassembly output field
; to the fourth instruction, and execute the instruction by single stepping.
; Then, move the PC cursor to the line containing the label "mainline".
; Now, execution may proceed via the "Run program" or "Single step" buttons.
; A program that used a default stack provided by the system would
; require only that the PC cursor be moved beyond the initialization
; sequence, which includes the return_memory algorithm.
lea program_end, a0 ; Put "end of program" address in A0.
movea.l 4(a7), a1 ; Put basepage address in A1.
suba.l a1, a0 ; Subtract basepage address from program's
; ending address.
lea stack, a7 ; Point A7 to this program's stack.
return_memory: ; Return unused memory to operating system.
move.l a0, -(sp) ; Store total program length in stack.
move.l a1, -(sp) ; Store basepage address in stack.
move.l #$4A0000, -(sp) ; Function = m_shrink = GEMDOS $4A0000.
trap #1 ; GEMDOS call.
lea $C(a7), sp ; Reset stack pointer to top of stack.
; Note: When the stack pointer must be moved 8 bytes or less, use
; addq.l #n, sp, where n is the number of bytes. When it must
; be moved more than 8 bytes, addq.l can't be used.
; Although you may be tempted to use adda.l #n, sp in that case, a
; better choice is lea n(a7), sp because it is twice as fast and
; requires 2 bytes less of memory. Program LEA_ADDA.TOS verifies
; these claims.
mainline: ; Marks the beginning of program proper.
lea newline, a0
bsr.s print_string
; The above instructions prevent damage to the debugger screen and skip a
; line for printer output. Skipping a line on the printer separates the
; program output from a listing which precedes execution, or it will
; separate the results of repeated executions.
lea string, a0 ; Put address of the label "string" in A0.
bsr.s print_string
move.w #8, -(sp) ; Function = c_necin = GEMDOS $8.
trap #1
addq.l #2, sp
move.w #0, -(sp) ; Function = p_term_old = GEMDOS $0.
trap #1
print_string: ; Expects address of string to be in A0.
pea (a0) ; Push address of string onto stack.
move.w #9, -(sp) ; Function = c_conws = GEMDOS $9.
trap #1
addq.l #6, sp
newline: dc.b $D,$A,0 ; All strings must be NULL terminated because the
; function we are using to print them requires it.
; Note that the ASCII code for a NULL character is $0,
; which is equal to decimal 0.
; The ASCII code for a carriage return is $D; that for
; a linefeed is $A.
string: dc.b 'This string will not overwrite the AssemPro debugger screen.'
dc.b $D,$A,0 ; The string is continued on this line. Here, we
; declare a carriage return, linefeed and terminate
; the entire string with a NULL = $0 = 0.
align ; Align storage on a word boundary.
ds.l 16 ; Stack.
stack: ds.l 0 ; Address of stack.
program_end: ds.l 0 ; Marks the end of program memory.